Teens Unite Guest Blogger
Hi Guys! Hope you're well! Teens Unite a teenage cancer charity very close to heart, are launching a brand new blog website, and I am very excited to announce I will be their guest blogger. The website is mainly aimed at young people who are currently on or have finished treatment, and I hope to give them a positive mindset that things do get better after cancer by sharing my story. In today's post I will be rewinding back to the beginning to life before cancer and to where I am today. So here we go........ Life before Cancer? I was an ordinary 12 year old, loving my new secondary school, making new friends and getting through the awkward stages of having weird hairstyles and sense of fashion! I started to feel unwell a day before my school trip to France in March 2010 , where I was experiencing headaches and tiredness. I put this down to being excited for my school trip, unfortunately my symptoms did get worse throughout the trip where my headaches and tiredness were perm...